Sunday 18 October 2009

Tech urge

I was never really very aware of it at first, and when I was I thought that it was just me, but the tech urge, well, it’s in all of us
Is it a coincidence that on the very same day, me, mitch, bexs mum and bexs brother were all looking into new phones? Even bex is drooling over a new phone, but her gaze is entirely swamped by the thought of a intuos 4........*drools*
All I know is that I seem to get an urge for new tech about once a year, and it’s such a strong feeling it makes me worry, as if u can’t last a day without going and buying this particular piece of tech you’ve seen
Last year was a new mp3 player
Year before a new pc
This year, a new phone, but to b fair my phone is really dying one me, but that still doesn’t disguise the fact that within 2 days of me getting a random idea about a new phone, that i am now currently on a contract with a blackberry phone.....
And wtf is going to happen next year, I literally have a working piece of tech for everything I do......I’m worried for next year, something better break lol
I guess this means I’m materialistic, I’m not even sure if that’s a bad thing or not, were so hooked into the world we live in, we can’t just buy a piece of tech an keep it, nothing is built to last too long, and even if it did, technology is moving way to fast

Fuck you money!

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